This is the mind map that we produced.
As you can see, we decided to look into vanity. This is something that everyone can relate with to some degree. With todays society and the media, it has become an important thing to most people to look acceptable in public.
We decided that the situation would be if everyone became self obsessed and did not interact or socialise with other people. The idea of no direct contact with other people came from a game 'Second Life' where people have a virtual life. This has been known to take over peoples social lives and they become distant to society.
With this in mind, we came up with some ideas for products that may be produced if people where self obsessed and did not want to be a part of society. As they would be vein, it is important that the person looked good to themselves. This is where the idea of vanity glasses came from. These would be glasses that made you look handsome/pretty when you looked at yourself in the mirror or a reflection.
We also talked about the gradual move to social media opposed to speaking face to face, and the impact this has had on society as a whole in todays day and age. We manufactured a scenario of people only speaking online, and how this would impact life. for example, if people had no real contact, this would include sexual contact meaning that we couldn't reproduce. This is where the idea of clones sprang to mind.
Overall, I enjoyed the seminar, as it got me thinking of potential situations and allowed me to be creative in my way of thinking in order to produce a product/process that could potentially aid or solve the situation.