Why we reference:
- To show the research you have done and what you have read
- To show support points
- Enables readers to follow and read the original text
- To get a good mark (if you don't reference can get in trouble for plagiarism)
Things you need to reference:
- Quotes
- Reference statistics
- Definitions from the dictionary ( you need to go beyond that and see what experts say about the literature and go further)
- Still reference if you put something into your own words. The idea are from somewhere so it needs to be referenced.
In text citations - Reference list at the end
Using citations in sentences
At the end of a sentence (Brown, 2001)
According to Brown (2001) then sentence.
Brown (2001) then sentence
Referencing websites
Oldham has a population of 217,237 (Oldham Council, 2003)
If there is no date, instead of the year put n.d.
Interactive reference builder on hud uni website.
EasyBig barcode scanner
Summen cite
Referencing images: Figure 1: Title of image (if artwork doesn't have title put un-named or if it is a image of a random thing just name it yourself) Then add reference after title (Emin, 2006)
Direct quotations:
Small quotes: Less than 40 words
Brown (2001) complains of trend that he calls "the dumbing down of modern society" (p.26), and claims that this directly caused by the invention of television.
^ Need page number if it from a text based source. PDF count the pages for example. Any text based should have an indication.
Large quotes: More than 40 words. They don't have quotation marks. Have indents.
Drop in sessions 10:15 to 12:15