Monday, 2 May 2016

Images as argument

What is an argument? 

I found out from this lecture that there are 3 types of argument. These include:

- Rational
- Emotional
- Rhetorical 

A rational argument is taken by philosophers who try to argue with reason and evidence in order to come up with a solution. These types of arguments usually have a distinct logical form. A rhetorical arguments are used by sophists (360BC) which use persuasion. 
We next talked about how images can be used as arguments, and looked at the Gestalt Shift with an image of a rabbit/duck.

This image is classed as an illusion as different people see a different image when they look at it the first time. Some see a duck as i did, where as some people see a rabbit which took me longer to spot. It is all down to the persons perspective. It is impossible to see both animals simultaneously however. 

We also looked at a piece that Robert Lazzarini created in 200, where he printed a distorted skull from real bone, as shown on the left. 

This followed by talking about distortion, as you could only see that the piece was in fact a skull if it was looked at from the correct angle.  

It was interesting to look at the different types of arguments, and i would have never thought of a picture being an argument. It is interesting how powerful an image can be.