Monday, 10 October 2016

Cybernetics: Research 1 (Starting Point)

Cybernetic Self 

I thought that the key words that we were given in the brief would be a good place to start in order to come up with a strong concept that i want to take forward to create an output. A loose term for cybernetics would be "control of any system using technology". 

Autopoiesis -  

Definition: This is the self-maintenance of an organised entity through its own internal processes. Consider your Autopoiesis your ‘self making’ — ‘self poetry’, your identity and its subsequent interactions with others. What defines you? And how does interaction with others affect that? Redefine the self portrait, the selfie.

Personal Understanding: When reading up on the meaning of autopoiesis, the thing that sticks out to me is the phrase "self making". From a human aspect, we could think of ourselves as a system that can reproduce with our offspring. This is the deepest interaction you can have, when making another life.

However, a baby is a clean slate. It is innocent to the world and the difficult issues that it faces. It is when the child is growing up that these ideologies are engrained into their mind. This could be about who they want to aspire to. Who they don't want to be like. If they choose a good path, or steer down a darker, alternate route. This is through interaction with others and in a way, what in the long term, defines you as a person. 

Socio-material -

Definition: Technologies are socio-material assemblages, an ensemble of people, materials, equipment, components, and institutions. The idea being that the technical is not reducible to the social, nor is the sociable reducible to the technical. How does the self — yourself — circulate in the socio-material world? Is it circulatory, or rhizomic?

Network Ego -

Definition: Your ego, disseminated through a network – virtual and real. What is being said and what is being hidden as we endlessly curate and control the media perimeters of our lives. How has the acceleration and integration of social media affected the perception of ourselves and our egos?

Foundational principles of cybernetics

Foundational principles of cybernetics from paul pangaro on Vimeo.

This video helped me a great deal to get an understanding of what cybernetics are. The main things that i took from Paul Pangaro's speech was that humans live in emotion (hormones and nerves) where as technology is different. It is a system that is not controlled by emotion, but by facts and statistics.

He stated "We must be social to identify with our identity through language"... "Being human is to be a autopoetic system engaged in interaction which gives us a degree of autonomy, a degree of dependence at the same time to which we have our own responsibilities".

Autonomy: Freedom from external control.