Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Cybernetics: Research 2 (Impacts)

Social medias impact on children careers:

Children are now on social media at a very young age, and the new generation do not know what it is like to grow up without technology. This could cause problems for them when looking for a job, as the things that they post on social media as they are growing up could be something that ruins their chance of getting the job. Something that children don't understand is that actions have consequences, and something they post may have a ripple effect. 

Social media impacts the way teens see themselves:

Teens are now sending snapchats instead of written notes, and now selfie is a well known term in our vocabulary. 20% of students say that social media makes them more confident compared to the negative effects that only 4% of students feel. However, this can still be a problem as teens don't realise that their identity is not based on what they post on Facebook/twitter. 

The evolution of the mobile device:

An example of how mobile devices have become integrated into family life is the new baby bouncy seat that fisher price released that has a holder for an ipad. This is so baby's can watch cartoons on the tablet, however this begs the question; will it come to the point where as these children grow up, they need technology in order to entertain themselves? A recent study has shown that mobile consumption has increased by 133% in the last year.